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Center for International Education and Study Away
At Suffolk, all students in all majors have the opportunity to study abroad. Choose from approved programs in 30 different countries on six continents. Spend a week, a summer, a semester, or even a whole year expanding your academic, personal, and professional horizons.
The Center also provides international student services, serving as a key resource to the Suffolk community in the following areas:
Advising international students, scholars, and departments on immigration procedures and issues
Assisting students and departments with integration and cross-cultural communication
Developing and sponsoring programs for international students on topics including immigration, adjustment to American society and culture, academic matters, and university resources
Working with departments on inviting and hiring international scholars
73 Tremont Street (Stahl), 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
73 Tremont Street (Stahl), 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02108