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Wellness Resource Center
Connect with us to find your path to wellness and join the SU community as we strive to engage, educate, and empower each other in our wellness journey!
The WRC is a safe space for students to relax, have a hot cup of tea, and try out the massage chairs. Chat with one of the SUPERs (Peer Health Educators) if you have any questions, need support, or would like to request a wellness program for your class, dorm, student organization, or athletic team.
What’s Available in the Wellness Resource Center?
Sexual Health Items (free condoms, dental dams, and lubricant)
Information on physical and mental health
Massage chairs and tools
Acupuncture mat
Workout mats for stretching
Biofeedback and relaxation apps
Mindful coloring
73 Tremont Street (Stahl) 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
73 Tremont Street (Stahl) 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108