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RAM Card
Questions related to using or replacing your RAM Card
Primary Resource
RAM Card Services
All members of the Suffolk community are required to have a Ram Card for identification purposes. The RAM Card is your Suffolk photo ID and grants you access to campus buildings, such as academic halls, student residences, and the library, as well as the ability to pay for purchases both on campus and off, such as Café 73 and our various off campus merchants.
Information on how to replace a lost or stole RAM Card is on our website.
The goal of the Department of Residence Life and Housing is to provide all Suffolk University resident students with a community which is safe and secure; fosters academic and intellectual achievement; supports personal growth and development; and encourages community living and appreciation of diversity.
10 Somerset Street (Miller) 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02108
10 Somerset Street (Miller) 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02108
Dining services on campus are managed by Chartwells Higher Education. There are multiple meal plan options available varying in points to satisfy any lifestyle on campus. Food services are available in Sawyer, Sargent, Samia, and 73 Tremont for all students. Resident students may also eat within the residence halls.
Visit the website for hours of operation
73 Tremont Street (Stahl) 11th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
73 Tremont Street (Stahl) 11th Floor, Boston, MA 02108